Monday, June 1, 2020


I believe  that if I had a way to easily camp-out in the yard (not as easy as you'd imagine, with my chronic health issues),  to isolate for 14 days afterwards, my ass would be out protesting right now. Yes, I would choose to expose myself to a pandemic, to show my support, AND keep my family safe. YOU CAN DO BOTH! 
Hearing #GeorgeFloyd call for his mama broke something in me that I didn't know was there, or wasn't as aware of it. The call sounded like a plea for ANY mama in the vicinity, it felt like. 
I understand you have your comfort limits on how you see things unfolding, the buildings on fire, and some of you for the first time finding out racism truly still exists. Please understand this is Not how someone of color sees it. They see it as dismantling a system that was built on their backs, in torturous ways, while they were slaved, segregated, and so much more. 
Welcome to the revolution! 
Let me start by saying that I am someone who has had 6 miscarriages, and I have an 18yr old stepson who is graduating during a pandemic. Sets the mood, yea? 
Hearing ANY child cry for their mama sets something off in a female. We're literally designed to listen for those cries, and when you hear it, and can do nothing? 
I don't care whose child it is! We all saw what happened, heard his pleas, and saw life drain out of a black man, live from different angles, while witnesses & Paramedics told them to stop. 

Let it burn. 
That police station that jailed all their sons for hustles that are now legal, and their boys are still in jail? 
Let it burn. 
That Target store that funds the police department, and it's elected officials, who knowingly hide the truth behind "We feared for our lives, without ever seeing if anyone can find guilt/innocence in that fact? 
Let it burn. 
Those symbols you see of war heroes, that they see differently? 
Tear it down. 

These aren't my choices, nor words, overall, but I am an #Ally, and it is time to choose sides. 

I don't have 400 years of generational oppression holding me back from the things I NEED, let alone the things I desire, regardless of effort. But, I am a #Mama and that holds weight! Yes, it hurt me before it was George Floyd,  and yes, I was outraged before; but this was my breaking point, not that it matters, because THIS MUST END! 
You fear those burning buildings, while they've always had to fear that PLUS burning crosses. 
You want the protestors to be peaceful, but are ignorant (not blind, bc you Should educate yourself) of the police officers launching tear gas & spraying pepper spray. 
You find no need for looting & destruction, but who says it is You who decides what is owed, and from where? Do you see the organizations sent in to incite this destruction? No, you ask why, and turn the channel, without any want or need to answer your own questions. 
Fucking figure it out! Quickly! This is no time to split hairs on a debate that is centuries long, and not recorded factually in schoolbook standards. 