Sunday, May 17, 2020

If only we knew the beauty before

Most of the major mistakes from my past are now beautiful paintings on the walls inside my soul. 

It takes a lot of healing to make it this far. A lot of self-reflection, and so much self-love and forgiveness 💜
Many people don't learn from their mistakes, and I repeated a few big ones, thanks to trauma, survivor mode, and other bullshit trauma-bonding. 
We can eventually get out of our cycle of self-sabotage though, if we try hard enough, and put our all into it. 

Positive self-talk is one of the hardest for people, and I'm no different. It's easier for me than most, but I still struggle with finding positive things to say to a failing body full pf chronic issues. 

In my 20's, I spent an enormous amount of time trying to make my resting place as comfortable as possible, so my body would be rejuvenated as possible, when it would finally rest. If only I had known therapy would have helped me more, because my family wasn't right, and never were...they were toxic for me. Maybe not for each other, but definitely for me. 
My 30's were spent taking time of my mental faculties from having so much constant upheaval in my life that it brought out my immune system issues en masse. So many specialists and fancy pharmaceuticals that made me sicker. 

In my 40's, I hope to do greater things, for many people, especially my little family. 

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