Saturday, August 17, 2019

Consistency of Self

Stay yourself as frequently as possible, for bigger impact. 
Brace yourself for that beautiful destructive explosion when everyone thinks you’re wrong. Embrace your #Truth wholly!
When it ends, if you haven’t been drowned by those wicked undercurrents; you will be afforded the opportunity to remain yourself...if you choose. 
Embrace that pain, #GreenGoddess, and soar into sweet #ElevationOfSelf that transcends this life in so many magikal ways! 

I cannot stress enough to stay authentic, and know your #worth, your #pain, your #strengths, your #weaknesses, your #limitations, your #joys, your #fears, your #hopes, your #goals, and any zany thought in between that you would like to acknowledge. 

I’ve seen way too many people being washed up upon the shore, bc they reached out to a perceived ‘rescue boat,’ that was filled with frats guys fucking with nature - once again! 
Don’t be ‘that guy!’ 

Don’t sacrifice another’s pain for your own growth! I cannot tell you what to look out for in your path in life! But I can help you work on figuring those out during a sesh! Medical Cannabis is a way for us to get past these barriers that separate us! I’m brave enough to show my ignorance and grow! Don’t appreciate it? That’s okay! I’m going to do what I need to to #ElevateMyself, and rise from my Own disasters. Be jealous, it’s beautiful! 

Take time to acknowledge that the Universe has truly sighed a breath of #ReLeaf and renewal; advocate and new patient alike in our community! 
Take it in! Reflect on things that have gone wrong; and reach out to those you trust wholly to help you grow
Watch how you expose your neck online though! Bitches will cut a muthafucker, just to enjoy splashing in the #BloodPuddles 

Stay yourselves out there, ladies!  

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