Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Safety Net of Butterfly Catcher’s’

I can trip over air in the deepest depression. 
Currently stuck in this cloud! It’s okay though, guys! I saw the lighthouse from here! 

I have friends who have muted my ass on social media, just to keep their emotions safe, from me; but also to stay there for me. Consistently! 
These are the people who have embraced the tsunami as it progressed towards land, folks! These fine people are who made me, me! 

Every single person we meet in this life, has an impact on our journey to the beyond. 
Every: scent, taste, sight, sound, face we see, voice we hear, every. single. little or big. touch of the skin or hair; that can ignite our soul, or burn our village to the ground. 

A whisper can kill, if the right words are said; at the right time. 
I’ve seen what those whispers can do to people. Suicide. It causes suicide. If someone is on a ledge, and you push them; it’s murder. If they’re on the ledge, running from you; and you whisper, “Jump, or I’ll get you anyway!,” then you deserve the biggest, hug in the world for being so fucking ugly. 

These are years and years, decades upon decades of many, varied obstacles (big, or small) that we find in our path. 

I’m embracing this struggle, hard AF as it is right now; and I feel so blessed to have endured so much pain to have such a spectacular mid-life crisis. Be envious. It’s okay! 

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