Sunday, August 4, 2019

My Mask Hides Many Faces

I'm 39, and I have lived at a much reduced capacity these past 10 years. My body and mind began to fail me horribly, as my physical and mental health both took an enormous step forward, together.

I have many entangled invisible illnesses that feed off each other, both mental and physical...
This makes it that much harder to 'show' that everyone deals with life differently. I have the courage to be the face and voice. It isn't always easy to brace myself against the waves of insults, people trying to shame me or spur an emotional response when they know I'm feeling emotional. I'm fine with that, because if I'm not brave enough, it means very little to those I'm trying so hard to inspire and encourage.

Living my life out loud means I have to show all the things that are good, bad, and indifferent about my issues. Feeling out what something would look like if my illnesses weren't so 'invisible.' I wear my emotions as my armor. Most days, my clothes reflect how I feel. Just because you don't think it matches, doesn't mean that the truth.

Having a BiPolar brain means I can see around many things, from various angles & aspects. Hearing someone tell me I need to see things from their point of view is useless, because they don't realize that I can, and their point of view is skewed by emotion.

I have a very long list of many mental & physical diagnoses, and my specialists are still trying to diagnose/eliminate some pretty big masquerading invisible illnesses.

Join me on my journey of Advocacy, pain, encouragement, disappointment, aggravation, desperation, and adorkable delights.

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